The registration and abstract submission deadlines for the 26th West Coast Structural Biology Workshop are just one week away... Register today, and be a part of this iconic meeting with over 50 years of tradition!!
See below for a message about the conference: Dear Colleagues, The registration and abstract submission deadlines for the upcoming West Coast Structural Biology Workshop have been extended! The UPDATED deadlines for registration and abstract submission are Feb. 28, 2025. The meeting is scheduled for March 23-26, 2025 at its traditional location, the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA. The conference website can be found at: The WCSBW is a bi-annual meeting that showcases the latest methods, developments, and discoveries in structural biology, including X-ray Crystallography, Cryo-EM, NMR, and other methods. We strongly encourage anyone interested in method development and solutions to technical challenges in structural analysis to attend, even if you're not from the west coast. Importantly, the WCSBW aims to highlight the work of trainees, so all oral presentations (except keynotes) will be given by students and postdocs. The 26th edition of this meeting will include: * Opportunities to connect with leaders in the field, exchange practical advice, and stay at the forefront of structural biology advancements. * Exciting oral research presentations and engaging poster sessions. * Inspiring keynote presentations, featuring Prof. Bil Clemons from Caltech, and Dr. Junko Yano from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. * A 2-hour workshop hosted by the Phenix developers, detailing the use of new tools for structure determination and analysis. * A networking session with scientists from west coast biotech companies for students and postdocs who are entering the job market. * Good company and beautiful views of the pacific ocean! Some details about the conference are included below, and more information is available at our website (see link above). We hope to see you at Asilomar in March! -Mike Thompson (UC Merced) and Alec Follmer (UC Davis) P.S. We ask for your help in sharing this announcement with any students, postdocs, staff, colleagues, collaborators, or friends that might be interested. Thanks! Conference Details: March 23-26, 2025 at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA Visit the conference website at: Registration: Registration fee is $200, plus lodging fees (meals included). Attendees need to book their lodging accommodations at Asilomar when registering for the conference. Both single and double occupancy rooms are available. If you do not have a roommate and would like us to pair you with one to lower costs, or if you would like to register for the conference and arrange your own accommodations offsite, please contact us at<>. Abstract Submission: All oral presentations at the WCSBW, except for the keynotes, will be given by trainees. Students (undergraduate or graduate) and Postdocs are welcome to submit abstracts for oral presentations. We welcome abstracts for poster presentations from attendees at any career stage. The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 28, 2025, and attendees must be registered for the meeting in order for their abstracts to be considered. Abstracts that are submitted for oral presentations and not selected will be automatically considered as poster abstracts. --- Michael C. Thompson, Ph.D. (he/him) Assistant Professor Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California, Merced<;!!LQC6Cpwp!-fv-nQ8U2b8wqB0proxjoXoLyiK-_RJ-s2z44LPFlS4n2JYfVWjhogPaJvRUEdeWgNZ5fA$> ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at