Dear all,

A reminder to register for the 11th Annual CCP-EM Spring Symposium! Bursary, 
selected talk and poster applications close on the 1st February 2025!

The conference aims to provide a forum to highlight state-of-the-art 
developments in computational cryoEM and related themes, as well as showcasing 
outstanding recent biological applications. We aim to promote an inclusive, 
friendly atmosphere, welcoming those both old and new to the community. Topics 
include instrument technology, sample preparation, image processing, single 
particle reconstruction, tomography and model building.

The meeting also includes the Diamond Light Source Biological Cryo-Imaging User 
Meeting for eBIC & B24 and associated satellite meetings for correlative 
microscopy (eBIC), electron diffraction (eBIC), membrane protein lab (DLS), 
HexAuFoil User Group Meeting (Quantifoil) and a Thermo Fisher meeting on 
advances in SPA.

The conference will be held as a hybrid meeting, with the physical event at the 
East Midlands Conference Centre (EMCC) in Nottingham, plus virtual access 
online via Zoom. The meeting is kindly sponsored by CryoCloud, Dectris, 
Nanosoft, SPT LabTech, SubAngstrom and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

23-25th April 2025

EMCC, Nottingham, UK


Confirmed Symposium speakers include:
Alister Burt (Genentech)
Jose-Maria Carazo (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología)
Maud Dumoux (RFI)
Johannes Elferich (UMass Chan Medical School)
Andreas Engel (CryoWrite)
Arjen Jakobi (TU Delft)
Wanda Kukulski (University of Bern)
Taiana Maia de Oliveira (AstraZeneca)
Charlie Scarff (Leeds University)
Thom Sharp (University of Bristol)
Alexander Shtyrov (MRC-LMB)
Amit Singer (Princeton)
Jessie Zhang (University of California, Berkeley)
Kai Zhang (Yale)

Confirmed BCI speakers:
Sonia Rodriguez Fernandez (University of Cambridge)
Valentina Loconte (B24, Diamond Light Source)
Ste Muench (University of Leeds)
Martin Rennie (University of Glasgow)
David Sauer (University of Oxford)
David Waterman (STFC, CCP4)
Plus eBIC user meeting round-table discussion

Symposium scientific organisers:
Laura Spagnolo (University of Glasgow)
Rene Frank (University of Leeds)

Biological Cryo-Imaging user meeting organising committee:
Lorna Malone (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)
Archana Jadhav (B24, Diamond Light Source)
Emma Buzzard (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)
Éilís Bragginton (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)

More details are available here:
CCP-EM Spring Symposium 

The early bird registration fee discount of £50.00 is available until the end 
of February and we have a limited number of hotel rooms so please register asap.

We will be accepting applications for a total of 4 selected talks to be 
included in the programme. These talks should be 15 minutes in length with 5 
minutes at the end for questions. Anyone who is interested may apply by giving 
their proposed talk title and a short (1250 character max) abstract when 
completing their in-person registration. Please submit all abstracts for talks 
by midnight 1 February 2025.
As per last year, we will also be running a poster session, however due to high 
demand, we will be limiting the total number of posters this year to 50. If you 
would like to present your poster, please submit your title and abstract (1250 
character max) through the in-person registration form by 1 February 2025.

In-person registrants may apply for both a poster and talk. We will respond to 
applicants soon after the application deadline to let you know if you've been 

Thanks to the kind support of our sponsors, we have a limited number of 
bursaries which will cover registration fees and two nights accommodation in 
student halls. If you are interested, please register using the 'Bursary 
Applicant' admission item and send a 300-word application to<> detailing your interest 
in attending the conference in person and why a bursary would help (closing 
date 1 Feb).

We look forward to welcoming you all in Nottingham!

Best wishes from CCP-EM & DLS BCI

Lauren Giles | CCP-EM Administrative Support

Scientific Computing Department
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
OX11 0QX

Zoom telephone: 01235 445059

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