Hi Patric,
 it seems that this is water solution of 0-2% chloramine-T , trihydrate.
Best Michal

W dniu pt., 10 sty 2025 o 18:22 Patrick Loll <pjl...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Happy New Year, Everyone,
> I have a question about the “cleaning syringe” that is sold for DI water
> systems such as the Barnstead Nanopure (when one replaces the cartridge,
> one injects the contents of this 60-mL syringe into the cartridge and the
> system then goes through a pre-programmed cleaning cycling).
> Does anyone know what’s in this syringe, or have a DIY version?
> I’ve always suspected it was something simple like dilute NaOH, but I
> never bothered to check. However, now they’re becoming hard to get, and so
> replacing the cartridge is delayed for months while the cleaning syringe is
> on back-order.  They’re also absurdly expensive (70 USD for 50 mL of
> solution), so it would be great to be able to do a home-brew.
> Thanks for any insights.
> Pat
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Patrick J. Loll, Ph. D.  (he, him, his)
> Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
> Drexel University College of Medicine
> Room 10-102 New College Building
> 245 N. 15th St
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/245+N.+15th+St?entry=gmail&source=g>.,
> Mailstop 497
> Philadelphia, PA  19102  USA
> (215) 762-7706
> pjl...@gmail.com
> pj...@drexel.edu
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