Hi All,

We currently have a Postdoctoral Fellowship position in protein crystallography 
and drug discovery that is available as a joint position in the labs of Dr. 
Jianjun Chen, Chair of Department of Systems Biology and Director of Center for 
RNA Biology and Therapeutics, and Dr. Jeff Perry, Assistant Professor in the 
Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics, at City of 
Hope Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. 

The research is focused on fragment - and small molecule-based drug discovery 
approaches against RNA/DNA epigenetic targets, RNA methylation and 
post-transcriptional regulation. The research includes determining crystal 
structures of fragment, RNA probe, and small molecule:protein target 
co-complexes and using biophysical approaches, including thermal shift assays, 
isothermal calorimetry and/or surface plasmon resonance.  

For consideration, please send a single PDF that includes your CV, a cover 
letter briefly highlighting your previous research accomplishments and future 
research goals, and contact information of three scientific mentors 
(references) to Dr. Jianjun Chen at jianc...@coh.org and Dr. Jeff Perry at 

Thank you,

Jeff Perry


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