
I clicked this link, and got this conclusion:

"The adjusted impact factor of Nucleic Acids Research, excluding citations from 
special issues dedicated to databases and web servers, is approximately 25.9. 
This indicates a significant impact when focusing solely on the regular 
articles published in the journal."

Does this experiment tell us more about the NAR impact factor (should we even 
care about this in the first place?) or about the reliability and 
reproducibility of chatbots powered by large language models?

Food for thought in any case.


On 19 Dec 2024, at 10:18, Kay Diederichs 
<kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de<mailto:kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de>> wrote:

I tried

and this says:
Impact Factor Calculation for Nucleic Acids Research
To calculate the impact factor of Nucleic Acids Research while excluding 
citations from special issues dedicated to databases and web servers, we can 
refer to the information available in the search results.
Current Impact Factor: The impact factor for Nucleic Acids Research is reported 
to be 19.160 for 2021
Citations from Special Issues: It is noted that the special issues attracted 
4,750 citations from 444 articles
Adjusted Impact Factor: If we exclude the citations from these special issues, 
the adjusted impact factor would be approximately 5.6 to 5.8. This estimate 
suggests that without the influence of special issues, the impact factor would 
be significantly lower
Thus, the impact factor of Nucleic Acids Research, excluding citations from 
special issues, is estimated to be around 5.6 to 5.8. This highlights the 
substantial impact that these special issues have on the overall citation 
metrics of the journal.

Hope this helps,


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