Dear all,

Thank you for your helpful replies.

The keyword option worked fine for me. I think there is a bug in the GUI.

Kind regards,
From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Kyle Gregory 
Sent: 20 November 2024 15:17
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Dual occupancy refinement in REFMAC5

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Hi James,

Thank you for this reply.

Yes, I did want to try this but for some reason when I add to the group ID list 
I cannot change the group ID from 1 to 2 so I cannot define conformer A and B 
as separate group IDs. I wonder if this is a bug?

Kind regards,
From: James Holton <>
Sent: 20 November 2024 15:00
To: Kyle Gregory <>; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK 
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Dual occupancy refinement in REFMAC5

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I've never used this GUI, but I know that under the hood you want each A/B to 
have its own group ID and then specify that the two groups sum to one.  The 
keywords look like this:

occupancy refine
occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 318 alt A
occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 318 alt B
occupancy group id 3 chain A residue 400 alt A
occupancy group id 4 chain A residue 400 alt B
occupancy group id 5 chain A residue 500 atom ZN
occupancy group alts complete  1 2
occupancy group alts complete  3 4
occupancy group alts incomplete  5

Where here I am specifying that all of residue 318 is in either A or B and that 
the sum of every A and B should be 1.00, and all "A" atoms have the same 
occupancy as other "A" atoms, etc.  Same for a residue 400 as well.  I am also 
specifying that there is a Zn atom with unknown occupancy and to refine that 
too. No need to sum to anything.
The GUI in your screenshot may be reflecting this syntax.

My go-to documentation for refmac occupancy refinement is here:
And my jiffy script for setting up keywords like the above given a PDB file is 
(note that I have uploaded it into github so that it looks like I know what I'm 

Does that help?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 11/20/2024 6:09 AM, Kyle Gregory wrote:
Dear all,

I have a 1.5 angstrom resolution crystal structure with 6 residues that have 
dual conformation. In the past I haven't had this many, so I have refined the 
occupancies by iteratively adjusting them in coot.

I'm trying to refine the occupancies in REFMAC5 using the 'conformer groups and 
occupancy refinement' option in parameterisation but I'm not getting the 
results I want. One attempt refined both conformers with an occupancy of 1, 
another refined both with an occupancy of 0.54.  I was wondering if anyone 
would be able to help with correcting my inputs.

I selected 'specify overlapping alternative conformation groups (constrain 
occupancies to sum to one)' and 'specify partial occupancy groups' where I have 
added chain 'A' and set residue 'from' and 'to' as both 318 (This was to just 
test this feature I will add the other 5 residues once it's working).

I also have 'perform refinement of atomic occupancies' selected.

I can't see what is wrong, I have also tried adding A/B to '(Alt)' column and 
also duplicating the row to specify the two conformers. Nothing has given me 
values I would expect (only ever 0.54 or 1.0 for both conformations). Any help 
would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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