Dear all,
A Post-doctoral fellowship is available in our team. See details below.
Best regards,
An ANR-funded post-doctoral position is available in the “Structural
Biology of Bacterial Macromolecular Complexes” team at Molecular
Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry Laboratory (MMSB, UMR 5086).
The group is hosted at the Institute of Biology and Protein Chemistry
(IBCP, Lyon) and enjoys a very dynamic and collaborative atmosphere. Our
research aimed at deciphering the structural basis of key events of
Gram-negative bacteria infection process. Our expertise lies in the
study of macromolecular complexes by integrative structural biology:
X-ray crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, cryo-EM, PPI, etc..
The position aims at investigating the molecular determinants and
dynamics of the interaction between Type VI secretion system (T6SS)
components to understand how the late stages of the assembly of
nanomachine are controlled. The project is funded by the French ANR
Agency (ANR CO-6TER), with a national consortium which involved five
institutes: LISM in Aix Marseille, MMSB in Lyon, IECB in University of
Bordeaux, BIP in Aix Marseille and Institute Pasteur in Paris. It will
be important to note that a part of experiments will be performed at
IECB (Bordeaux) so the candidate is expected to spend significant amount
of time there. The candidate should hold a PhD in Structural Biology.
He/she should have strong experience in purifying protein and protein
complexes, perform protein-protein interaction studies. Knowledge in
cryo-EM and/or bacterial secretion systems would be an asset.
The postdoc will work closely with Dr. Priscillia Lagoutte and Dr.
Esther Marza, who will provide tailored mentorship throughout the
research process, offering expertise in PPI, biochemistry and cryo-EM
The application must include: CV, Motivation Letter and Reference
letters addressed to Dr. *Priscillia Lagoutte* Before the 27 November 2024 Expected
start date: February/March 2025 (some flexibility depending on the
candidate’s availability) Salary based on national grids (CNRS)
Laurent Terradot
Director of Research CNRS
Principal Investigator
lab web
Structural Biology of Bacterial Macromolecular Complexes
Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines,
UMR 5086 CNRS-Université Lyon 1
7 passage du vercors, 69007 Lyon Cedex, France
Cell Phone +33(0)6 33 69 73 14
Phone +33(0)4 72 72 26 52
Fax +33(0)4 72 72 26 04
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