Dear Otsile

The first thing I would suggest is removing the file
C:\Users\otsil\CCP4I2\projectList-backup.xml  and then trying to run

If that does not work then you can try the database recovery methods in:

I would actually suggest trying Method *4* first. This tries to use a
backup copy of your database which ought to be OK. The instructions
there are a bit Linux/Mac oriented, so you actually want to:

  1) Start a command prompt
  2) cd \Users\otsil\CCP4I2\db
  3) dir                                      (This will list
hopefully lots of database backups)
  4) del database.sqlite database.sqlite-shm database.sqlite-wal
  5) copy database_sqlite_backup-17102018-161520 database.sqlite  <--
THIS IS AN EXAMPLE FILENAME. You actually want probably the most
recent of the backup files.

If this does not work, thy the other methods. And please get back in
touch with us if you cannot fix it.

Best wishes,
Stuart McNicholas

On Sat, 16 Nov 2024 at 16:46, Otsile Mojanaga
<> wrote:
> Dear all
> I updated my windows 11 PC with a windows update but since then, I am unable 
> to open ccp4i2. When I do so I get an error about ‘database disk image is 
> malformed’ (image attached). Are there suggests on how I can get cc4i2 to 
> work again?
> Kind regards,
> Otsile
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