If you open the original file with a text editor, you can see that it was 
slightly damaged. I opened the file you posted with a text editor, and the 
problems were easy to find, as they are at the top (and bottom) of the file.  
To be sure, I downloaded the file directly from CCDC.  There are two 

This stuff was added by the CCP4BB software to the posted file, and people 
downloading it need to remove it for the file to conform to cif format.

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The original problem seems to be

# guidelines are available at http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/access/V1

was substituted with

# guidelines are available at 

This caused OV_3… to appear on a new line without a comment.
If you put a “#” character in front of the OV_3, or delete the entire line 
starting with OV_3 (and get rid of the footer tacked on by CCP4BB) the file 
loads into pymol and coot just fine.


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Martin Hu 
Date: Monday, August 19, 2024 at 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] CIF file Cannot Open by Coot
Dear All,

Thank you all for your help. I’ve tried several approaches to input this file, 
including changing the format to mmCIF, importing it as coordinates, and 
checking the restraints in the file. However, I am still unable to install the 
experimental ligand structure into the protein. It seems that COOT or JLigand 
cannot read the restraints from the CIF file.

I’m wondering if anyone has faced a similar problem before, and if there is a 
way to input the experimental structure and save its restraints so that it can 
be refined with the overall protein structure in Refmac?

I’ve attached the original CIF file here for your reference (in .txt format).



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