Searching a new graduate student for the exciting project below: Uncovering mechanistic effects of clinical MMR variants with partial activity
Here we want to study structural and biochemical changes in mismatch repair proteins that lead to mild phenotypes: Predisposition to colon and endometrial cancer can occur due to mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes. We hypothesize that some MMR deficiencies only partially block MMR resulting in intermediate activity. Better understanding of their mechanisms could resolve these states and may provide insights how patients with such mutations could be followed and/or treated differentially. The project is funded by the cancer charity KWF. We are looking for applicants with an master degree and experience in protein biochemistry and/or structural biology. Students will enroll in the OOA PhD programme and participate in Oncode Institute. The Biochemistry division of NKI has excellent biochemistry and biophysics facilities, good access to cryo-EM and good computing facilities. The project is executed in collaboration with the lab of Joyce Lebbink at ErasmusMC, Rotterdam. Please send applications, including CV, motivation letter and names of 3 references before July 7th. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at