Dear all,
We are excited to announce the launch of a detailed*PDBx/mmCIF File
Format User Guide* <>.
As the foundation for depositing, annotating, and archiving structural
data across diverse experimental techniques, the Protein Data Bank
Exchange macromolecular Crystallographic Information Framework
(PDBx/mmCIF <>) stands as the master format of
the Protein Data Bank. Our user-friendly guide offers detailed
explanation and examples of essential PDBx/mmCIF records, aimed to
facilitate a smooth transition to this format for depositors and users
The wwPDB anticipates that all four-character PDB IDs will be exhausted
by 2028, after which 12-character PDB IDs will be issued. Entries with
extended PDB IDs will not be compatible with the legacy PDB file format
and will only be available in PDBx/mmCIF format. wwPDB encourages users
to transition to the PDBx/mmCIF format as soon as possible.
We invite all users to participate in abrief survey
from the*PDBx/mmCIF File Format User Guide*
<>) to share feedback
on this guide by December 15, 2024. Your feedback will greatly
contribute to future developments.
Kind regards,
Deborah Harrus, on behalf of the wwPDB
Deborah Harrus, Ph.D.
PDBe Archive Project Leader, Biocuration Lead
PDBe - Protein Data Bank in Europe
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge CB10 1SD UK
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