For you, Eleanor? Of course!  I look forward to it.

But do you have an "elevator pitch"?

I feel that a lively exchange of short messages conveys ideas much more efficiently and effectively than an annual exchange of hyper-dense documents.


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 4/1/2024 6:27 AM, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
It. Will probably take me  a. Full year to draft the. Application - is that too slow?

On Mon, 1 Apr 2024 at 09:22, Frank Von Delft <> wrote:

    Oh dear, your prime number oversupply crashed the crypto Ponzi
    schememarket.  Will you accept $10e2 proposals now?

    Sent from tiny silly touch screen
    *From:* James Holton <>
    *Sent:* Monday, 1 April 2024 08:01
    *Subject:* [ccp4bb] request for applications

    Hey Everyone,

    It may sound like an incredibly boring thing that there has never
    been a
    formal mathematical proof that finding the prime factors of very
    numbers doesn't have a more efficient algorithm than simply trying
    single one of them. Nevertheless, to this day, encryption keys and
    indeed blockchain-based cryptocurrencies hinge upon how
    hard it is to find these large prime factors. And yet, no one has
    proven that there is not a more efficient way.

    It occurred to me recently that cryptocurrencies (blockchains) are
    nothing more than a sequence of numbers, and Large Language Models
    fundamentally take a sequence of "words" and predict the next one
    in the
    series. So, they seem naturally suited to the task of finding a more
    efficient way. I spent some of my free time trying my hand at this.
    There were some twists and turns along the way, but as of today it
    to be working. Predictions are now coming pretty fast. By the end of
    April 1, I expect to have ~ $1e12 USD on current ledgers. This may
    certain socioeconomic ramifications, but that is not what I want to
    discuss here. What I want to discuss is how to use this new source of
    scientific funding!

    My question for the BB is: what would YOU do if you had $1e12 USD for
    your science? No non-scientific proposals please. There are plenty of
    other forums for those.  This BB is about biological structural
    so please stay on-topic.  OK?  And now: suggestions!

    I am particularly interested in projects that can only be done with a
    large, cooperative $1e12 USD, but not by 10e6 independent and
    $100e3 projects. The Apollo moon missions, for example cost $300e9
    (adjusted USD).  On a smaller scale, re-doing the whole PDB from
    and expression to crystallization and structure solution would
    only cost
    about $500e6 USD. That would finally give us a good database of
    crystallization conditions for training an AI to tell you, given a
    sequence, what the crystallization conditions (if any) will be. That
    might take a lot of computing power, but there is plenty left over to
    buy 10 zettaflops of computing power (and the solar panels needed to
    power it). Or, if we really want to just divide it up, that would be
    $10e6 for each of the ~1e5 people on this planet who fit into the
    category of "biological scientist". That's not just PIs, but
    grad students, techs. Everybody.

    I'm sure this will solve a lot of problems, but not all of them.
    And, I
    like to get ahead of things. So, what are the non-financial problems
    that will remain?  I think these are the most important problems in
    science: the intellectual and technological hurdles that money can't
    overcome.  I'm hoping this will be an opportunity for all of us to
    on those.  I know we're all not used to thinking on this scale,
    but, at
    least for today, let's give it a try!

    Looking forward to your applications,

    -James Holton
    MAD Scientist


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    This message was issued to members of
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    are available at
    *From:* James Holton <>
    *Sent:* Monday, 1 April 2024 08:01
    *Subject:* [ccp4bb] request for applications

    Hey Everyone,

    It may sound like an incredibly boring thing that there has never
    been a
    formal mathematical proof that finding the prime factors of very
    numbers doesn't have a more efficient algorithm than simply trying
    single one of them. Nevertheless, to this day, encryption keys and
    indeed blockchain-based cryptocurrencies hinge upon how
    hard it is to find these large prime factors. And yet, no one has
    proven that there is not a more efficient way.

    It occurred to me recently that cryptocurrencies (blockchains) are
    nothing more than a sequence of numbers, and Large Language Models
    fundamentally take a sequence of "words" and predict the next one
    in the
    series. So, they seem naturally suited to the task of finding a more
    efficient way. I spent some of my free time trying my hand at this.
    There were some twists and turns along the way, but as of today it
    to be working. Predictions are now coming pretty fast. By the end of
    April 1, I expect to have ~ $1e12 USD on current ledgers. This may
    certain socioeconomic ramifications, but that is not what I want to
    discuss here. What I want to discuss is how to use this new source of
    scientific funding!

    My question for the BB is: what would YOU do if you had $1e12 USD for
    your science? No non-scientific proposals please. There are plenty of
    other forums for those.  This BB is about biological structural
    so please stay on-topic.  OK?  And now: suggestions!

    I am particularly interested in projects that can only be done with a
    large, cooperative $1e12 USD, but not by 10e6 independent and
    $100e3 projects. The Apollo moon missions, for example cost $300e9
    (adjusted USD).  On a smaller scale, re-doing the whole PDB from
    and expression to crystallization and structure solution would
    only cost
    about $500e6 USD. That would finally give us a good database of
    crystallization conditions for training an AI to tell you, given a
    sequence, what the crystallization conditions (if any) will be. That
    might take a lot of computing power, but there is plenty left over to
    buy 10 zettaflops of computing power (and the solar panels needed to
    power it). Or, if we really want to just divide it up, that would be
    $10e6 for each of the ~1e5 people on this planet who fit into the
    category of "biological scientist". That's not just PIs, but
    grad students, techs. Everybody.

    I'm sure this will solve a lot of problems, but not all of them.
    And, I
    like to get ahead of things. So, what are the non-financial problems
    that will remain?  I think these are the most important problems in
    science: the intellectual and technological hurdles that money can't
    overcome.  I'm hoping this will be an opportunity for all of us to
    on those.  I know we're all not used to thinking on this scale,
    but, at
    least for today, let's give it a try!

    Looking forward to your applications,

    -James Holton
    MAD Scientist


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