Dear Fred,

there is a Bruker mailing list (, that
acts as a ccp4bb for small molecule crystallography.
As far as I know, there is no automatic inscription, and you should
write to Ilia Guzei <>

It is good you are on linux, that's one thing less to worry about.
If you want to use SHELXL with Olex2, you need to add SHELXL to your
PATH environment, either in a terminal from which you start Olex2, or
into the 'start' script for Olex2. In SHELXLE, you can add the SHELXL
command from the last menu item in the menu 'SHELX'

SHELXL typically writes these types of error into the lst-file,
underneath the line in question. If you copy the line, you most likely
will get a quick answer. It probably refers to a line that starts with
4 characters which are neither a recognised SHELXL command
( nor a qualified atom


On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 10:00:36 +0100 Fred Vellieux
<> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have a simple question: is there an electronic bulletin board for 
> small-molecule crystallography? I have checked the list of CCP
> projects and there is no CCP-project for small molecule
> crystallography in the list.
> I am trying to run SHELXL, and it fails with the cryptic message "**
> The alternative for me would be of course to use software meant for 
> macromolecular cystallography (that I know) on small molecule 
> diffraction data. And using the small molecule coordinate files 
> transformed to a suitable format. I don't know if this is feasible or 
> even advised. Probably not.
> Thanks,
> Fred.

Tim Gruene
Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-70202



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