Sorry did not mean to go off topic. Original question was requests for 
suggestions of cleavable c-term tag vectors. I only meant to provide info on 
one type recommended by another. Others may have further suggestions for Flavio.

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Karla J. F. 
Satchell <>
Date: Friday, February 16, 2024 at 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] [External] [ccp4bb] Off topic : plasmid expression vector 
for E.Coli with a cleavable his-tag at the c-ter
Hi everyone—

Thought I might chime in.
This technology was developed in my lab based on our studies of toxins and we 
have methods papers and two patent.

The CPD-tag works great for production of protein with minimal residual 
residues on the protein. Our studies indicate that it can help solubilize 
protein during expression. Protein is purified with the C-terminal CPD tag, and 
the entire CPD and 6xHis-tag are released by addition of InsP6 (phytic acid) 
which is very inexpensive.

The only restriction of the recognition sequence is small-Leu-small so a small 
residue plus Leucine does remain on your protein. There does also need to be a 
little flexibility at the end of your protein for access to the protease so our 
vectors add extra Gly-Ala so the residual is GAAL. CPD is particularly useful 
for small proteins if the additional residues do not interfere with your assays.<;!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!WmwLxh4JzUmaD1lNY20_ID-cV87BW0TsBDnbHKRlFiLvNtDYLZXp5v_vR6P8_ReHlWVV8DU7ZEy69-OGnYVPAhVTl75HimFkBThs$><;!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!WmwLxh4JzUmaD1lNY20_ID-cV87BW0TsBDnbHKRlFiLvNtDYLZXp5v_vR6P8_ReHlWVV8DU7ZEy69-OGnYVPAhVTl75HijC4KPFp$><;!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!WmwLxh4JzUmaD1lNY20_ID-cV87BW0TsBDnbHKRlFiLvNtDYLZXp5v_vR6P8_ReHlWVV8DU7ZEy69-OGnYVPAhVTl75HirGMggut$><;!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!WmwLxh4JzUmaD1lNY20_ID-cV87BW0TsBDnbHKRlFiLvNtDYLZXp5v_vR6P8_ReHlWVV8DU7ZEy69-OGnYVPAhVTl75HiqMuRtc4$>

Here is a link to the original paper on mechanism of action of CPD<;!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!WmwLxh4JzUmaD1lNY20_ID-cV87BW0TsBDnbHKRlFiLvNtDYLZXp5v_vR6P8_ReHlWVV8DU7ZEy69-OGnYVPAhVTl75HinAiY8dQ$>

These are not commercially available as despite multiple marketing attempts, 
there was little interest mid-2010s from biotech for licensing new cloning 
technologies and we abandoned advanced development

If this technology is interesting to you to add to your commercial biotech 
portfolio, please feel free to reach out to me.

Flavio, we can share our vector, but my institution does require an MTA as 
technology is patented. Most people just use synthetic DNA to generate the 
exact clone they want so we rarely get requests but happy to share sequences if 
you need for your synthetic design.

Karla Satchell

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Srivastava, 
Dhiraj <>
Date: Friday, February 16, 2024 at 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] [External] [ccp4bb] Off topic : plasmid expression vector 
for E.Coli with a cleavable his-tag at the c-ter
Hi Flavio
                While i am not aware of any commercial vector with cleavable c 
terminal tag, you can easily make your own by introducing protease cleavage 
site of your choice. However this strategy will results in quite a few extra 
residues from protease site.
An alternative, which is not commercial but available through addgene, is 
cpd-his tag. It’s a bigger tag (~25 kda) but for me, it helped in solubility 
and expression.<;!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!X4zQW9pYePXhpOWDRmDhx8F9CS1fcLsydhbQbLz2By2Pl6vW6Rnzq4kJp8HcdKp1EvVk5oIaXe__iBvZYFJul3k-1u1NgbhjZdL2xUs9Cg$>

There are other variants of this vector available on addgene that you can 
choose from. Depending on your c terminal sequence, it may leave either no 
extra residues or only one or two residues.

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Flavio Di Pisa 
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 3:33 AM
Subject: [External] [ccp4bb] Off topic : plasmid expression vector for E.Coli 
with a cleavable his-tag at the c-ter

Dear community,

I'm looking for a commercial expression vector for E.Coli with a
cleavable his-tag at the c-ter. Anyone can help me?

Thank you in advance,



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