Hello, you seem to have positive difference density for the Cys sulphur/sulfur 
atom. It would be worth checking it's occupancy.
Best wishes, Jon Cooper. jon.b.coo...@protonmail.com

Sent from Proton Mail mobile

-------- Original Message --------
On 18 Dec 2023, 17:03, Liliana Margent wrote:

> Hi there, We’ve been having an issue in trying to clear regions of Fo-Fc 
> density from a few cysteines during the refinement process. We were wondering 
> if anyone had seen something similar so they could offer some insight on the 
> likely chemistry at hand, and a potential refinement solution. Attached are 
> two images of the observed extra density at two cysteines, 505 and 518. We 
> have modeled acetylated cysteine, s-hydroxycysteine, and s-mercaptocysteine 
> but it does not solve the density. The protein in question is a Protein 
> Tyrosine Phosphatase known as STEP (PTPN5), with data collected to a 
> resolution of 1.79 Å. The crystals were grown in bis-tris pH 6.65, 200mM 
> Li2SO4, ~30% PEG3350. Of note, prior to data collection the crystal was 
> conserved at room temp for long time where it dried, and was subsequently 
> rehydrated with mother liquor. Thank you so much.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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