I have always performed TEV cleavage after eluting my protein from the
Ni-NTA column (TEV cleavage performed during overnight dialysis in
imidazole free buffer as imidazole inhibits TEV activity at high
concentrations). I use TCEP as reducing agent and have never included EDTA,
by this method I've never had a problem with membrane or soluble proteins
and get almost 100 % cleavage of the tag.



On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 at 19:21, Rafael Marques <rafael_mmsi...@hotmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I have been looking on this bb and other websites as well but I could not
> find a veredict. We are suspecting that when I elute my sample from my
> Ni-NTA column, the imidazole concentration (250 mM) is making it to
> precipitate. Once my sample has a cleavable TEV site, I was planning to
> incubate my loaded resin overnight with TEV and get my sample back simply
> using my lysis buffer. And here lies the problem. Most of the TEVs are kept
> in EDTA and DTT and I wonder if they are essential for its protease
> activity or if I could use another reducing agent more compatible with my
> resin (or maybe do not add both). I saw that someone did not have EDTA and
> used b-mercap. instead of DTT. May I have your comments if you guys already
> faced a similar situation?
> Best wishes
> ______________________________________________________
> Rafael Marques da Silva
> PhD Student – Structural Biology
> University of Leicester
> Mestrando em Física Biomolecular
> Universidade de São Paulo
> Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas
> Universidade Federal de São Carlos
> phone: +55 16 99766-0021
> *           "A sorte acompanha uma mente bem treinada"*
> *________________________________________________*
> ------------------------------
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