Dear Daniel,

is this for a Bruker Diffractomete? If you have a choice, I would be
surprise, because Bruker refused to offer a
new D8 with an EIGER2R500 detector - they'd rather not sell their
system, and we got a STOE Stadivari instead.

We've had  a PhotonIII for about 1/2 year on our D8. It is more
sensitive than its predecessors, but it still shows noise. When you are
used to HPC detectors, it shows a lot of noise, although others are
really happy with their PhotonIII.
When we got the upgrade from PhotonII to PhotonIII, this was only a
firmware upgrade, the very detector stayed installed on the system.
However, the PhotonIII is of course   fully integrated with the D8
system. The EIGER2 R500 that we have been using of 1/2a now, is not
smoothly integrated, and requires probably a nerd like me to be really
pleased with the D8+EIGER2 ;-)

page 24 on my lecture note
is with the PhotonII (maybe PhotonIII, i.e. with firmware upgrade, I
need to double-check), while p. 25 is from the EIGER2 R500 (about half
the size of the PhotonII). The gain range determined by XDS is 0.97-1.3
for the PhotonII, for the EIGER2, it is 0.96-1.02, i.e. very close to
1.0. This is for CuKa, for MoKa, the gain with the EIGER2 is about 0.7.
I could find a data set from the PhotonIII and process them with XDS
to get comparable figure for MoKa, in case the info will be of interest
for you.

Feel free to ask more specific questions, or pass by for a visit in
Vienna to take a look at the Eiger2 on D8 and Stadivari.

Best wishes,

On Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:19:58
+0000 Daniel Balazs <> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> We are in the process of acquiring a new SC-XRD system, and having
> difficulties comparing apples with pears without taste buds. I would
> be indebted if those of you who have any opinion or experience
> regarding the Photon III vs Eiger or Hypix HPC choice shared it with
> us (here on the list/privately at daniel(dot)balazs(at)
> pigeon post). Best regards,
> Daniel
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Daniel Balazs
> Staff Scientist (Crystallography)
> Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
> Am Campus 1, Klosterneuburg, 3400 AT
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Tim Gruene
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Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

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