We are looking for a highly motivated post-doc to join the Macromolecular Structure group of i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (https://www.i3s.up.pt/research-group.php?groupid=113) in Porto, Portugal. The position, funded for up to 13 months, is expected to start in May 2023.

Building on our recent work (1-6), the project aims to develop direct anticoagulants against alternative targets in the blood coagulation cascade that have not been clinically exploited to date or represent a completely unexplored mechanism of intervention.

Informal inquiries can be addressed to Jorge Ripoll-Rozada (jorge.roz...@ibmc.up.pt <mailto:jorge.roz...@ibmc.up.pt>) or Pedro J.B. Pereira (ppere...@ibmc.up.pt) <mailto:ppere...@ibmc.up.pt)>.

Please note that applications will be considered ONLY if submitted (together with ALL accompanying documentation) before 2023/03/31, using the online tool at https://dozer.i3s.up.pt/applicationmanagement/#/addapplications/ResearcherFTC_Proj2020i3S06032023.

Further information: https://dozer.i3s.up.pt/fileupload/downloadfile/viewpdfnewtab/72182470deba408df576958ce5c5befa (in Portuguese) or https://dozer.i3s.up.pt/fileupload/downloadfile/viewpdfnewtab/5efe13569f63a911df16b39ab7bd8f3a (in English).

1- Thompson, R.E.; Liu, X.; Ripoll-Rozada, J.; Alonso-García, N.; Parker, B.L.; Pereira, P.J.B.; Payne, R.J. (2017) Tyrosine sulfation modulates activity of tick-derived thrombin inhibitors. /Nature Chemistry/ *9*, 909-917. DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2744

2 - Watson, E.; Liu, X.; Thompson, R.; Ripoll-Rozada, J.; Wu, M.; Alwis, I.; Gori, A.; Loh, C.-T.; Parker, B.; Otting, G.; Jackson, S.; Pereira, P.J.B.; Payne, R. (2018) Mosquito-derived anophelin sulfoproteins are potent anti-thrombotics. /ACS Central Science/ *4*, 468-476. DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.7b00612

3 - Watson, E.E.; Ripoll-Rozada, J.; Lee, A.C.; Wu. M.C.L.; Franck, C.; Pasch, T.; Premdjee, B.; Sayers, J.; Pinto, M.F.; Martins, P.M.; Jackson, S.P.; Pereira, P.J.B.; Payne, R.J. (2019) Rapid Assembly and Profiling of an Anticoagulant Sulfoprotein Library. /Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA/ *116*, 13873-13878. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1905177116

4 - Calisto, B.M.; Ripoll-Rozada, J.; Dowman, L.J.; Franck, C.; Agten, S.M.; Parker, B.L.; Veloso, R.C.; Vale, N.; Gomes, P.; de Sanctis, D.; Payne, R.J.; Pereira, P.J.B. (2021) Sulfotyrosine-Mediated Recognition of Human Thrombin by a Tsetse Fly Anticoagulant Mimics Physiological Substrates. /Cell Chemical Biology/ *28*, 26-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2020.10.002

5 - Agten, S.M.; Watson, E.E.; Ripoll-Rozada, J.; Dowman, L.J.; Wu, M.; Alwis, I.; Jackson, S.; Pereira, P.J.B.; Payne, R.J. (2021) Potent trivalent inhibitors of thrombin through hybridization of salivary sulfopeptides from hematophagous arthropods. /Angewandte Chemie International Edition/ *60*, 5348-5356. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202015127

6 - Dowman, L.J.; Agten, S.M.; Ripoll-Rozada, J.; Calisto, B.M.; Pereira, P.J.B.; Payne, R.J. (2021) Synthesis and evaluation of peptidic thrombin inhibitors bearing acid-stable sulfotyrosine analogues. /Chemical Communications/ *57*, 10923-10926. DOI: 10.1039/d1cc04742f

Pedro J. B. Pereira, PhD
IBMC - Biomolecular Structure Group
i3S - Macromolecular Structure Group
Rua Alfredo Allen 208
4200-135 Porto
Tel.  +351 226 074 954
E-mail: ppere...@ibmc.up.pt


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