Two PhD positions in the group of Titia Sixma at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam to study processes at the interface of DNA repair and replication using cryo-EM and quantitative biochemistry (
These are both Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action doctoral networks, one is the REPLIFATE project (, where we focus on regulation of DNA replication by PTMs during cell fate decisions (project 4). Please apply through the Replifate website, deadline is January 15, 2023, on-line interviews will be end of February. The other project is the REPSTATE project, where we study defined states of human DNA mismatch repair proteins, structurally, biochemically and biophysically. Applications can be made directly to Titia Sixma (; Marie Curie projects involve close collaboration with partner labs and industrial partners. The Netherlands Cancer institute is an international center of excellence with a high standard of biological research and outstanding research facilities, with an interactive atmosphere. It is located in Amsterdam, with all its cultural amenities, close to the Schiphol airport. We share labspace and equipment with Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis and Robbie Joosten, ensuring a lively structural biology community. Both projects follow EU mobility rules: This means that the candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies etc) in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the recruitment date (=first day of employment). ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at