Hi Alessandro,
Wouldn't it be easier/simpler to use the modified chain together with its 
(possibly) modified partner as a probe in MR to generate the completely 
modified 12mer?
Just wondering.

Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D.
Dept. of Life Sciences
Ben Gurion University
Beer Sheva, Israel

On Nov 17, 2022 21:14, "Alessandro S. Nascimento" <asnascime...@ifsc.usp.br> 
Dear all,

We are refining a 24-mer complex composed of 12 copies of protein A and 12 
copies of protein B. Since the resolution is not very high (~3.0 Ang), we will 
probably want to copy the modifications made in Coot for one chain to the other 
chains of the same protein (but not for the other protein).

Unfortunately, we did not find a way to do that in Coot. Is there any option 
for this?

Thanks a lot in advance,


* Alessandro S. Nascimento                                             *
* Associate Professor - Sao Carlos Institute of Physics   *
* University of São Paulo (IFSC/USP)                              *
* E-mail: asnascime...@ifsc.usp.br<mailto:asnascime...@ifsc.usp.br>             


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