Applications are invited to apply for a 2-year post-doctoral research position based on a collaboration between the laboratories of Professors Gregers R Andersen (Structural biology) and Jan J Enghild (Protein chemistry and biochemistry) at The University of Aarhus in Denmark. Both groups are located in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics,
The applicant should have a background in single particle electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography or other relevant structural biology approach. Experience with protein purification is also required. Prior experience with cryo-electron microscopy is preferred, but not strictly necessary. Experience with the Linux operating system is also preferable. The postdoc will join a team applying state-of-the-art techniques of structural and molecular biology to investigate the structure and biology of the human protein CD109. This is a GPI-anchored cell surface protein that modulates TGFβ signaling through direct interactions with TGFβ cytokines and the type I receptor TβRI. As a member of the α-macroglobulin protein family, which also includes complement factor C3 and human alpha-2-macroglobulin, CD109 has a complex multi-domain structure and can exist in multiple conformations. Facilities available for the project includes: Protein expression in bacteria and eukaryotic cells, purification with state-of-the-art FPLC, and biochemical characterization (amino acid analysis, Edman sequencing, mass photometry, BLI, SPR, ITC). Access to two 300 kV Titan Krios microscopes with Gatan K2 and K3 detectors for screening and data collection. There is also access to negative stain EM for sample optimization on a 120 kV Technai microscope. Vitrobot and Leica blotting devices are available for preparation of grids. There is an in house high performance computing cluster dedicated to cryo-EM data processing. More information on the cryo-EM environment is available at Potential applicants should contact Gregers R Andersen for more information. The official call for the position is available at ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at