Dear All,

Under the umbrella of the EMBL-ESRF Joint Structural Biology Group a collaborative project to upgrade MASSIF-1 and exploit synergies with the EMBL High Throughput Crystallization facility (HTX Lab) in Grenoble has been established. An integral part was the installation of one of the CrystalDirect automatic crystal harvesting robots into the beam line environment, enabling new experimental modalities. Thanks to the hard work of the EMBL Instrumentation, Synchrotron Crystallography and HTX Lab Teams, and the ESRF Structural Biology group, the installation is now completed.

We are now opening access to newly developed CrystalDirect plate-to-beam experimental modalities at MASSIF-1 via the EMBL HTX Lab. We are inviting applications for either collaborative or user access. Opportunities for funded access are available through iNEXT Discovery. If you are interested in any of the new experiments listed below please contact us at or

•    Automated Protein-to-structure pipelines with CrystalDirect plate-to-beam cryogenic data collection. Either for full diffraction data collection or rapid diffraction-based screening and prioritization of initial crystallization hits.

•    Automated high throughput room temperature data collection to help identify conformational variability with potential insights into protein dynamics.

•    Automated crystal dehydration experiments to modulate crystal parameters.

Pure samples can be shipped to the EMBL HTX Lab were crystallization experiments will be carried out. Online experimental design and real-time access to results is facilitated via the Crystallographic Information Management System (CRIMS) web interface. Typical experimental workflows include crystallization screening and optimization, crystal harvesting and CrystalDirect-plate-to-beam data collection at MASSIF-1.

contact or

Best wishes


Jose A. Marquez Ph.D.
Team Leader, Head of the Crystallization Facility
EMBL Grenoble Outstation
Postal address: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
71, Avenue des Martyrs
CS 90181 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Delivery address: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
71, Avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble, France
Phone +33 (0)476 20 74 25
Fax. +33 (0)476 20 71 99


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