Dear Colleagues, We'd like to bring to your attention that the registration is open for the CBMS Structural Biology Workbench, scheduled September 27 through 29. Participants can choose between SAXS and MX or attend both. The event will be held virtually. Registration is free: Participants are encouraged to send samples. Registration Deadline for sending samples August 26 2022. Please contact James Byrnes ( if sending SAXS samples or Vivian Stojanoff ( if sending samples for MX. Kind regards, Vivian -- Vivian Stojanoff, PhD Education, Training, Outreach User Program p 1(631) 344 8375 e<> w<> Address: Center for Biomolecular Structure National Synchrotron Light Source II Building 745 Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY 11973 Supporting Grants: CBMS is supported by NIH-NIGMS #P30GM133893, and by the DOE-BER #KP1605010. Any work performed at NSLS-II is supported by DOE-BES under contract # DE-SC0012704. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at