Hi Sarah,

Thank you for that great summary! I agree, there are different uses for each 
instrument. We do enjoy our Gryphon for screening, though I find the dead 
volume for protein dispense to be very large and generally unreliable. I have 
heard a lot of great feedback about the Oryx from folks and it may serve us 
well as we need a system for focused optimization screens and not necessarily 
the high throughput one might need at your institute! The downside is not 
having humidification and the system is a bit slow. NT8 also sounds like a 
great instrument, though some folks have mentioned it experiences frequent 
mechanical failure resulting in costly repair bills with equally costly service 

Anyway, I much appreciate your input! The crystallography community is so 
unique in that there are always folks like you and Eddie willing to lend 
opinions or help - I love it!

All my best,

Shawn Rumrill
Chemistry and Chemical Biology, The Lab of Dr. Eddy Arnold
Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
From: Sarah Bowman <sbow...@hwi.buffalo.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 1:49 PM
To: Shawn Rumrill <shawn.rumr...@rutgers.edu>; Edward Snell 
<esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu>; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallization Robots

Hi Shawn,

Thanks for your email.  As Eddie mentioned, we have a lot of robotics & liquid 
handling instruments at the National High-Throughput Crystallization (HTX) 
Center at HWI.

For the high-throughput 1536 micro assay plates we set up, we use the Art 
Robbins Gryphon with 384 syringe head and PlateMates (the PMs are not available 
any longer that I know of).

For optimization and scale up, we currently use both the Formulatrix NT8 and 
the Gryphon with 96 syringe head.  We are in the process of ordering a 
Mosquito, and do have an Oryx4 (but don't use that frequently because of the 
high-throughput nature of the set-ups in the HTX Center).

They all have different pros and cons, depending on your needs... but we do 
really like the humidity controlled option on the NT8.  We use the NT8 for 
vapor diffusion, microbatch under oil, LCP, and seeding, so it can really 
handle a lot of different configurations for set-up.

Definitely feel free to reach out to us 
 if you need any assistance with crystallization!

Hope that helps!



Sarah EJ Bowman PhD

Director | National High-Throughput Crystallization Center

Associate Research Scientist | Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute

Research Associate Professor | Department of Biochemistry | University at 

p: +1 716 898 8623

e: sbowman at hwi.buffalo.edu


Crystallization Center 

Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute

700 Ellicott Street | Buffalo, NY 14203

From: Shawn Rumrill <shawn.rumr...@rutgers.edu>
Date: Monday, May 23, 2022 at 12:45 PM
To: Edward Snell <esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu>, "CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK" 
Cc: Sarah Bowman <sbow...@hwi.buffalo.edu>
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallization Robots

Hi Eddie and Sarah, Thank you so much for your insights! I look forward to 
hearing about the NT8. From the responses I've been getting, it sounds like the 
Oryx does many things well, albeit a bit more

This sender is trusted.


Hi Eddie and Sarah,

Thank you so much for your insights! I look forward to hearing about the NT8. 
From the responses I've been getting, it sounds like the Oryx does many things 
well, albeit a bit more slowly. Oryx also has a very reasonable price point.

Much appreciate the resources. I am always impressed by the work you guys are 
doing at the National Crystallization Center. Hope to one day give it a try!


Shawn Rumrill

Chemistry and Chemical Biology, The Lab of Dr. Eddy Arnold

Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine

Rutgers University - New Brunswick



From: Edward Snell <esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 10:33 AM
To: Shawn Rumrill <shawn.rumr...@rutgers.edu>; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK 
Cc: Sarah Bowman <sbow...@hwi.buffalo.edu>
Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] Crystallization Robots

Dear Shawn,

I do know that the National Crystallization Center has recently installed an 
NT8  and we also have an Oryx4 - not quite the same comparison. Sarah Bowman 
who directs the Center (cc'd) can probably let you know how the NT8 is working. 
The Center has a lot of expertise with testing many different chemicals. The 
Oryx4 is very capable but that is used in a lower throughput setting for just a 
few labs rather than the number of samples planned for the NT8.

Details on the National Crystallization Center are available at 
 It is a Center that provides access to a number of crystallization 
instruments, software, and expertise.

If you want to remember it easily it can also be found at 'getacrystal.org'

The paper describing it is very outdated and we hope to have an updated 
publication in the near future to celebrate over two decades of operations.



Edward Snell Ph.D.
President and CEO | Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
Director | NSF BioXFEL Science and Technology Center
Professor, Materials Design and Innovation | University at Buffalo, SUNY
p: +1 716 898 8631 | f: +1 716 898 8660
e: esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu
skype: eddie.snell
Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
700 Ellicott Street | Buffalo, NY 14203-1102

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Shawn Rumrill
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 10:02 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Crystallization Robots


Does anyone have experience with either the Oryx8 or Formulatrix NT8 for 
setting up crystallization trays? Both instruments look very capable on paper. 
I am looking for something that is easy to use, robust, and can handle a 
variety of different crystallization experiments (screening and optimization). 
What do you like/dislike about either system?

Thanks for your insights!



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