Dear all,

the University of Greifswald is currently seeking to appoint a full
professor (m/f) of biochemistry (Biochemie III). You can find the
official advertisement at 



To repeat some points, the topics  protein biochemistry and modern
biochemical-analytical methods are explicitely mentioned. Greifswald
university has a research focus on proteomics and protein technologies
open for extension and collaborations. A group using protein
crystallography does exist in the institute (Prof. Lammers), so a pure
focus on protein crystallography will have a hard time to convince the
committee, but related fields are welcome. Using the new in house
X-ray generator and crystallization facilities will be possible,
though. Neighbouring groups also have equipment and expertise in
various bioanalytical methods as ITC, SPR, fluorimetry, DLS. A 600 MHz
NMR also exists in the institute which is currently run by the 
Biochemie III group. As written in the advertisement, applications of
female scientists are particularly welcome. 

The deadline for the application is June 24, 2022.

Best regards,


Dr. Gottfried Palm
Synthetische und Strukturelle Biochemie
Institut für Biochemie
Universität Greifswald
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 4, D-17489 Greifswald
Tel.: 03834 420 4393


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