Hi Fellows,
please let me bring to your attention a PostDoc and PhD candidate position at Marta Carronis cryoEM facility at the Scilife lab in Stockholm: I am excited to announce that I am looking for a highly self-motivated postdoctoral scientist and an enthusiastic PhD candidate to join my newly-born research group at SciLifeLab in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics (DBB) at Stockholm University (Sweden). The positions will be funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and DBB-Stockholm University for a period of 5 years for the postdoctoral position and 4 years for the PhD position. The team will together investigate the regulation of AAA+ chaperones both in bacteria and in humans primarily using cryo-EM as a tool, complemented with biochemistry and fluorescence imaging. The postdoctoral candidate should ideally come equipped with sound experience in protein purification and protein structure determination using single particle cryo-EM. Additional experience in cryo-electron tomography and sub-tomogram averaging or knowledge in x-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and model building or prediction is a plus. The PhD student should have a background in Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics or similar, and be curious and interested to learn! Do you have a background in another STEM field but are motivated to learn to use cryo-EM as a tool to explore protein complexes? Still get in touch with me. The team will work closely with members of the Cryo-EM Facility at SciLifeLab ( <https://www.scilifelab.se/units/cryo-em/> https://www.scilifelab.se/units/cryo-em/, Stockholm, Sweden) and will have access to two Titan Krios (equipped with Gatan Bioquantum-K3 cameras and CetaD for electron diffraction), one Talos Arctica (Falcon 3 and K2) and a powerful GPU computer cluster. SciLifeLab offers access to a number of other facilities such as super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, compound screening, NMR and structural mass spectrometry offering numerous possibilities to learn, explore cutting edge techniques, and to collaborate with different experts. If you are interested in joining this young team and for any informal enquiry, please contact me at <mailto:marta.carr...@scilifelab.se> marta.carr...@scilifelab.se by March 15, 2022. Cheers, Marta Marta Carroni, Cell and Molecular Imaging Platform Director, SciLifeLab Head of Unit, SciLifeLab CryoEM Facility Dept. Biochemistry & Biophysics, Stockholm University Tomtebodavägen 23 A, gamma2 17165, Solna Sweden Tel +468161013 Tel +46720181462 ------------------------------------------------------ Bernhard Rupp k.k. Hofkristallamt <http://www.hofkristallamt.org/> http://www.hofkristallamt.org/ <mailto:b...@hofkristallamt.org> b...@hofkristallamt.org +1 925 209 7429 ------------------------------------------------------ Institute of Genetic Epidemiology Medical University Innsbruck Schöpfstr. 41 A 6020 Innsbruck <mailto:bernhard.r...@i-med.ac.at> bernhard.r...@i-med.ac.at +43 676 571 0536 ------------------------------------------------------ Many plausible ideas vanish at the presence of thought ------------------------------------------------------ ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/WA-JISC.exe?SUBED1=CCP4BB&A=1 This message was issued to members of www.jiscmail.ac.uk/CCP4BB, a mailing list hosted by www.jiscmail.ac.uk, terms & conditions are available at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/policyandsecurity/