The latest version of imosflm (7.4.0) was included in the ccp4 Update 7.0.17 released 11th Nov 2021. Unfortunately there is an error in the startup script, which will result in the following error message:
Error in startup script: extra characters after close-quote while executing "set ::env(IMOSFLM_VERSION) "iMosflm version 7.4.0, 16th September 2021”" The error is in the file imosflm.tcl, which will be in a directory similar to: /ccp4-7.1/share/ccp4i/imosflm/imosflm.tcl (the full directory will depend on the installation). To fix this error, simply edit line 145 of “imosflm.tcl” to remove the second double quote at the end of that line. Explicitly, change: set ::env(IMOSFLM_VERSION) "iMosflm version 7.4.0, 16th September 2021”" to: set ::env(IMOSFLM_VERSION) "iMosflm version 7.4.0, 16th September 2021” This does not affect version 7.4.0 of imosflm if this was installed using the LMB website (which uses a different startup script). Andrew Leslie ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at