Postdoc position protein crystallography, Heinrich-Heine-University,
Düsseldorf, Germany
The Center for Structural Studies (CSS) is a central scientific research
and service facility of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf ( The CSS
aims for scientific tasks within all areas of structure-supplying
methods at an atomic level. The CSS provides all steps as full-service
as well as access to our infrastructure and scientific support for the
individual experiments of all members of the HHU and external users.
In particular:
• X-ray diffraction analysis and structure determination (MX) of
proteins (in house and at synchrotrons)
• Small-Angle-X-ray-Scattering-Analysis (SAXS) of proteins and all kinds
of complexes thereof (in house and at synchrotrons)
• Molecular Modelling and Simulation for macro- and micromolecules
In support of the MX unit we offer a postdoc position within a BMBF
(Federal Ministry of Education and Research) founded project for an
experienced person (100 %, EG 13 TV-L/TVöD-Bund) for 2 years.
Your Qualifications
• degree in Biochemistry, Biology or a related field and a PhD ideally
in X-ray protein
• ideally several PDB-depositions and related publications
• good work experience in protein biochemistry, crystallization and
X-ray crystallography
• good knowledge of software packages employed in protein
crystallography (esp. XDS, CCP4, coot) is a must
• good communication skills and like to work in a multi-disciplinary
Key Responsibilities
• all types of crystallographic activities, including:
• planning and performing crystallization experiments
• collecting X-ray diffraction data (in-house generator and synchrotron
• processing diffraction data, including phasing (mainly MR)
• refining protein structures following the quality criteria
• presenting the results
According to the applicant’s personal qualification, employment will be
based on EG 13 TV-L / EG 13 TVöD-Bund. Qualified candidates should send
their complete application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact info
of two references, certificates) until 25.10.2021 by e-mail (one single
pdf-file <5MB) to
We are looking forward to your joining of our team!
Center for Structural Studies (CSS)
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
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