Dear all,
We have an opening in our group for an enthousiastic Postdoc/Habilitant.
The Hofmann group is located at the Ruhr-University in Bochum in the
metropolitan Ruhrgebiet in the center of Germany.
Projects in the group target biological hydrogen production, photosynthesis,
membrane transport and plant enzymes utilizing biochemical, biophysical
and structure based methods.
You are expected to be taking responsibility for one of the project areas.
If you plan to build up your own research profile, we strongly support
you in applying for individual project funding.
The position has a medium term funding perspective, if you plan to
pursue a habilitation on your way
to your own independent research position. Both faculty and university
have mentoring programs assisting you as well.
Due to some teaching at the undergrad level, at least basic command of
german is desirable.
The position can be filled immediately, but don't hesitate to contact
me, if your current position
is still ongoing.
For details see our webpage ( or drop me an
Selected publications:
Winkler, Martin, Jifu Duan, Andreas Rutz, Christina Felbek, Lisa
Scholtysek, Oliver Lampret, Jan Jaenecke, Ulf-Peter Apfel,
Gianfranco Valetti, Vincent Fourmond, Eckhard Hofmann, Christophe Leger,
Thomas Happe 2021.
„A Safety Cap Protects Hydrogenase from Oxygen Attack“
Nature Communications 12 (1): 756.
Della Corte, Dennis, Hugo L. van Beek, Falk Syberg, Marcus Schallmey,
Felix Tobola, Kai U. Cormann, Christine Schlicker,
Philipp T. Baumann, Karin Krumbach, Sascha Sokolowsky, Connor J. Morris,
Alexnader Grünberger,
Eckhard Hofmann, Gunnar F. Schröder, Jan Marienhagen 2020.
„Engineering and Application of a Biosensor with Focused Ligand Specificity“
Nature Communications 11 (1): 4851.
Sommerkamp, Johannes A., Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel, Eckhard Hofmann. 2019.
„Crystal Structure of the First Eukaryotic Bilin Reductase GtPEBB
Reveals a Flipped Binding Mode of Dihydrobiliverdin“
JBC 294 (38): 13889–901.
Schulte, Tim, Dariusz M Niedzwiedzki, Robert R Birge, Roger G Hiller,
Tomás Polívka, Eckhard Hofmann, Harry A Frank. 2009.
„Identification of a single peridinin sensing Chl-a excitation in
reconstituted PCP by crystallography and spectroscopy“
PNAS 106 (49): 20764–69.
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann <>
Ruhr-Uni Bochum
AG Proteinkristallographie
ND04/318, Fachnummer 50
44780 Bochum
Tel: +49-(0)234/32-24463, Sekr. -24461, FAX: -14762
ORCID: 0000-0003-4874-372X
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