PostdoctoralPosition in Structure-Function Studies on Transport Proteins Apostdoctoral position is available in the Valiyaveetil group at Oregon Healthand Science University in Portland, Oregon. The Valiyaveetil group investigatesstructure and function of ion channels and transporters using a combination ofstructural biology, unnatural amino acid mutagenesis, electrophysiology andspectroscopy. See references [ELife (2018), 7, doi:10.7554/eLife.36478; NatCommun. (2018), 9, 5055; PNAS (2019)116, 15939-15946] for examples of recent research from the lab. The group is a part of the Program inChemical Biology in the Department of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry. Theposition is suitable for a highly motivated candidate with a recent (less than1 year) Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biophysics or a related discipline. The candidate will investigate glutamatetransporters (and related transporters) using a combination of biochemical,spectroscopic and structural approaches. The candidate for this position should have prior experience in proteinbiochemistry. Expertise working with eukaryoticmembrane proteins will be a plus. The position providesthe candidate with a unique opportunity to enhance their skills in structural biology with expertise in protein engineering and functional studies. TheValiyaveetil lab is well equipped to carry out structural and functionalstudies of ion channels and transporters. OHSU provides an excellent scientific environment.
Portland is consistently rated as one of themost livable cities in the US. Toapply send CV, a 1-2 page description of graduate research and future researchplans along with contact information for three references by email to: OHSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative actioninstitution. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at