The pACYC vectors (probably your p15ori plasmid) is said to have a copy number of ~10 copies per cell while your other plasmid is likely in the hundreds - see:

The protein expression level from the lower copy number plasmid is usually a bit lower, but not always.

For sequencing, we use primers that are specific to the pACYC vector so it does not matter if there is a second higher copy plasmid present in the miniprep.

To increase the amount of pACYC vector for sequencing, you can always amplify the copy number by adding spectinomycin to a growing culture - this inhibits protein synthesis, but the low copy plasmids continue to replicate to hundreds of copies per cell.


On 30/12/2020 10:35, Anamika Singh wrote:
Hi All,

I have two constructs having different ori, p15ori and M13 ori, different promoters araBAD promoter and LacI, and different antibiotic resistance chloramphenicol and Ampicillin respectively. I am managed to get the transformants and getting the expected result after blunt digestion with the EcoRV enzyme. Since both the plasmids have the site for EcoRV. But the p15 ori has a low copy number that's why I am seeing the very faint band as compared to other plasmid in the sample.

So I would like to know is there any way that I can quantify the low copy number plasmid. Because I am not able to sequence it with the specific primers it could be due to its low concentration.

Please advise.

Thank you.
Dr. Anamika Singh
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Silberman Institute of Life Sciences
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
No: 054-294-8036


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