No - they're changing the auth_asym_id. See

Oligosaccharide molecules are classified as a new entity type, branched, 
assigned a unique chain ID (_atom_site.auth_asym_id) and a new mmCIF category 
introduced to define the type of branching (_pdbx_entity_branch.type) .
wwPDB: Worldwide Protein Data Bank. Carbohydrate Remediation. As the PDB 
archive grows, and the related science and techniques evolve, the 3D structures 
represented in the Core Archive require ongoing improvement ("remediation") to 
ensure consistency, accuracy, and overall quality.

From: Greg Couch <>
Sent: 04 December 2020 18:51
To: Luca Jovine <>; Mailing List CCP4 <>; 
Mailing List PDB, <>
Cc: Tristan Croll <>
Subject: pdb-l: Re: [ccp4bb] Coming July 29: Improved Carbohydrate Data at the 
PDB -- N-glycans are now separate chains if more than one residue

mmCIF has two different chain ids.  One the the label_asym_id which is
used for internal consistency with the entities.  The other is the
auth_asym_id which is whatever the author chooses. If the glycans are
separate entities, then the label_asym_id HAS to be different for each
instance of an entity.  But the auth_asym_id could be the same for all
covalently bonded units.

In ChimeraX, we use the label_seq_id for the chain id when constructing
the molecule and we use the auth_asym_id for the chain id in the user

     -- Greg


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