Applications are invited for a highly motivated and experienced postdoctoral 
researcher to join an active research group at the School of Life Sciences, 
University of Warwick supervised by a team headed by Prof Chris Dowson with 
Prof Frank von Delft at Oxford University and Diamond Light Source. The 
project, which has been recently supported by the Newton Fund, focuses on 
acquiring specific structural and biochemical data using a novel strategy of HT 
affinity crystallography, using robust crystals of well validated and novel 
antibacterial targets to identify either fragment-based inhibitors or 
inhibitors identified by crystallography directly from complex mixtures of 
natural products. This position is available for up to 18 months in the first 
instance and will involve substantive interactions with academic colleagues at 
Harwell and those in China.

More information about the post can be found below, and you can contact Prof 
Chris Dowson at<>:

Best regards,

Felicity Bertram<>
MX Support Scientist

Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science & Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, 
OX11 0DE
+44 1235 778387
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