Dear All,

We have just posted an important paper on Information Theory in the context
of Harvesting new Information in the imaging sciences, in (arXiv)!

Any image one collects in a microscope, or 3D image in X-ray tomography,
X-ray crystallography,  for example, is covered by this comprehensive

A list of issues discussed or new concepts introduced:
Instrumental Resolution, Information Theory, Information Harvesting,
Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR, Shannon Nyquist sampling theorem,
Janus Apodization Rule, Abbe’s resolution, Number of degrees of Freedom,
Gabor transforms, Local Information Density, LID, Results Resolution,
Fourier Ring Correlation, Fourier Shell Correlation, DQE,
Fourier Ring Information, The Isotropic Nyquist Frequency, Fourier Shell
Transducer Information Efficiency, TIE, Relative TIE,
The Gabor-Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, Under-sampling,
Wrap-around Artefacts, Viral Glycosylation, the Rose equation, R-factors
Channel Capacity, CC50, etc …

A 43-pages single-spacing long story, but it is accessible to most
scientists working in this field
and it does resolve  many outstanding issues in the imaging sciences!
Just reading the abstract is enough to get a gist of the port of the

More than just two pennies worth (we hope),

(PS: we have applied for the necessary patents...)
Google  "arXiv" for  "Information: to Harvest, to Have and to Hold"
by:  Marin van Heel, and Michael Schatz
or see my Twitter account!


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