
low expression levels could indicate (just a few thoughts):

- the protein is not folded properly and already degraded during production which in turn may indicate problems with the construct (insert + plasmid) itself or problems with the speed of expression (i.e. no time to fold). Lower the expression temperature or induce at a much higher OD600 (near log phase) and grow for 2 hours only after induction

- it is not always advisable to keep and purify the protein of interest at 4ºCelsius (keyword "cold denaturation")

Things to try:

- implement the method described in the paper: Optimum solubility (OS) screening: an efficient method to optimize buffer conditions for homogeneity and crystallization of proteins, ACTA D D60, 1670-1673 (Jancarik et al.)

-At pH 7.5 and pI 8.6, your protein will be positively charged. Trying to "stabilize" the protein according to the Hofmeister series of salts is not helpful. Remember, the Hofmeister series of salts will inverse with positively charged proteins! Meaning, NaCl is not a good salt to use in order to solubilize the protein. Try to add 50-200 mM ammoniumsulfate to help solubilize the protein.

Good luck,


Am 19.07.20 um 11:07 schrieb 张士军:

Dear all:

Any ideas to decrease protein polymer formation? my protein was easy to form oligomers and precipitation when do purification,I have tried add glycerol and DTT,both didn't work. Does anyone has experience to avoid it happening. Thanks!

Best Regards


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*Dr.math. et dis. nat.Jeroen R. Mesters*
Deputy, Lecturer, Program Coordinator /Infection Biology
/ <http://www.uni-luebeck.de/studium/studiengaenge/infection-biology/introduction.html>Visiting Professorship (South Bohemian University) in Biophysics
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*University of Lübeck*
Center for Structural and Cell Biology in Medicine
*Institute of Biochemistry*

Tel +49 451 3101 3105 (secretariate 3101)
Fax +49 451 3101 3104
jeroen.mest...@uni-luebeck.de <mailto:jeroen.mest...@uni-luebeck.de>
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