Dear Colleagues,

The IMCA-CAT beamline at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) is continuing to
operate and collect crystallography data during the current
restricted-access operations at Argonne National Laboratory.  Experiments
are limited to (1) critical research related to COVID-19 or (2) critical
proprietary research related to drug development.

The current APS run cycle (2020-1) has been extended through May 31, 2020
in order to best provide structural biology data to fight COVID-19. The
next APS run cycle (2020-2) has also been shifted and will now begin on
June 10, 2020.

All pharmaceutical companies and research entities conducting either
COVID-19 related research or critical, proprietary research in drug
discovery are invited to inquire about access to IMCA-CAT for beam time.
All experiments must be either remote access or mail-in.

IMCA-CAT is committed to accelerating drug discovery through
synchrotron-based structural biology research.  The insertion device
beamline is optimized for delivering exceptional quality data, collecting
data at high-throughput rates, and ensuring data security for proprietary
experiments.  Streamlined pathways for establishing proprietary agreements
have been implemented for new industrial users to begin conducting
experiments without delay.

For more information about accessing IMCA-CAT, please contact Dr. Lisa
Keefe (email is keefe [at]

Work safely and stay healthy,

Jesse Yoder

Jesse Yoder, PhD
Macromolecular Crystallographer
IMCA-CAT | Argonne National Laboratory
(630) 252-0529


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