The Centre for Doctoral Training in Biological Physics Across Scales (BiPAS) at King’s College London (<> ) is currently recruiting for 7 PhD studentships. In particular, we are looking for students with a background in the physical sciences (e.g. physics, chemistry, maths, computer science, engineering) who have a keen interest in studying biological physics. The BiPAS studentships will cover the tuition fees, a stipend of ~£17k per annum, and a research training grant, which include funding for travel to conferences) during the 3.5 year PhD project for students from the UK, EU and from further afield. The next application deadline is 8thMay 2020. The start date for the studentships is expected to be October 2020, however there is flexibility for the start date such that students could begin later in the academic year if that is desired/required this year.
For further information about the application process, and the various training that will be provided as part of the BiPAS PhD programme including the research projects that are currently being offered, please check out the CDT’s website:<>. If you have specific questions about the programme, please feel free to e-mail us at<>. Chris Lorenz (on behalf of the BiPAS CDT Directors) Dr. Chris Lorenz Reader in Physics Assistant Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Non-Equilibrium Systems (CANES) Biological Physics & Soft Matter Group Department of Physics King’s College London 020 7848 2639 (phone) ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: