The LCLS<> at SLAC National Accelerator 
Laboratory<> is reaching out to the biological 
research community in the context of an NIH-DOE request for 
information<> (RFI) 
on “strategies to advance the utility of high resolution bioimaging 
technologies that already exist and that need to be created.”

Current instruments at LCLS provide unique capabilities for characterizing 
biological samples at high spatial and temporal resolution allowing key insight 
into structural features or to reveal macromolecular dynamics and energy 
landscapes at ambient temperatures. We wish to address how to further your 
research using the unique capabilities offered by LCLS.

In the context of the RFI, we would appreciate answers to a few specific 

  *   What biological research in your area of expertise could be advanced with 
LCLS and could drive priorities for new Capabilities?

  *   What are the current gaps and/or challenges with LCLS instruments that 
limit their impact on your research or on the broader area of bioscience?

  *    What scientific, methodological, engineering or operational barriers 
limit the use of LCLS by your team or your community?

or we encourage you to directly respond to the RFI 

Independently of the RFI, we would like to hear your suggestions, both to 
inform immediate term actions such as for the current call for coronavirus 
and to inform priorities for longer term developments and targeted access to 

We will be happy to discuss this in detail with you or answer any questions 
related to this RFI and LCLS capabilities. Please contact Mark Hunter 
(<>). We look 
forward to having an active discussion with you about how your research can be 
enabled by LCLS.


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