Dear all,
I obtained the following suggestions to my query on the BB
(superimposing two protein:dsDNA structures using the dsDNA structures
alone for the superposition operation):
- Matthias Barone (fmp-berlin) suggested Chimera, with some instructions
on "how to do it". He also suggested a program called moloc;
- Anat Bashan (Weizmann) suggested Coot, Calculate, LSQ Superimpose;
- Tim Gruene (univie) suggested Uppsala software factory's lsqman;
- Paul Emsley (MRC-LMB) mentioned that there was no "gesamt" for DNA
(too bad) and further suggested lsq-improve;
- Jeremy (Tame ?, mentioned a program in c
called cfit, which he can provide on request.
In the end I used Chimera using the instructions given by Matthias
Barone and that worked like a charm. So to speak: the result obtained
was what I wished to find out.
Thanks to all who replied. Superposition using the nucleid acid part of
complexes can be very informative.
Have a nice day further,
Fred. Vellieux
MedChem, 1st F. Medicine, Charles University
BIOCEV, Vestec, Czech Republic
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