A file does not have a handedness, it's just a list of numbers.  So the
pedantic answer is that since it doesn't have a handedness you need do
nothing to change it!

I assume that what you mean is that you want to change the handedness of
the _visual interpretation_ of the file.  That's a different story
altogether since it involves your own visual perception!

Eleanor's trick with the phases will do it if you then view the map in the
same way as you were doing before.

Or you could keep the file the same and view a mirror image of the map.
Eugene has already suggested using a mirror which reverses either the X or
Y axis depending on where you place the mirror.

The obvious and interesting alternative is to reverse the Z axis.  In the
days when we plotted maps on a stack of transparent sheets it was easy: you
just reversed the order of the sheets!  In fact you had to do exactly that
since the plastic molecular model was viewed in a half-silvered mirror
placed in front of the map ("Richard's box", a.k.a. "Fred's Folly":
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_M._Richards ).

Now a computer screen being a 2-D object obviously doesn't have a Z axis so
you can't reverse it!  However we get the _impression_ of depth in our
brain by using stereo or depth cueing, so you would need to reverse one of
those (maybe a switch on the glasses controller?).

Depth cueing is obtained by having objects that are supposed to be nearer
to you brighter than ones that are supposed to be further away.  So all
need to do is convince your brain that the opposite is true!

Note that all the solutions that reverse the image of the map will also
reverse the image of the structure which may not be what you want.  In that
case Eleanor's solution which results in only reversing the image of the
map is probably the right one.

Oh and happy April 1st to all!


-- Ian

On Wed, 1 Apr 2020 at 13:56, Andre LB Ambrosio <an...@ifsc.usp.br> wrote:

> Dear all,
> is it possible to generate a mirror image of an existing .ccp4 map file?
> Many thanks in advance.
> --
> Andre LB Ambrosio
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