Dear all,

As part of Diamond's effort to combat COVID-19, we are offering fragment 
screening expertise and infrastructure to users working on COVID-19 related 
targets (as demonstrated by the recent fragment screening campaign against 
SAR-CoV-2 Main 

In order to submit a proposal for COVID-19 related research please complete the 
Rapid Access 
Form<> and 
send a completed XChem Application 

Due to access and travel restrictions, experienced XChem staff will prepare 
samples on-site, organise unattended data collection and analyse the data using 
the XCE pipeline. All data will then be made available to the users and as open 
access through Fragalysis 
<> and the Diamond webpage.

Further details regarding crystal system requirements, available fragment 
libraries and screening protocols can be found 

Kind regards, Daren
Dr Daren Fearon
XChem Beamline Scientist
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
Didcot  Oxfordshire  OX11 0DE

Tel:  01235 778936

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