Hi everyone,

There are some very interesting ideas. 

Though I agree with you Clement that raw images are amazing to work with as you 
can use any software you are confortable with, we cannot forget that depositing 
several TB of data for each lab would be bad for ecological reason. And because 
detectors are always improving (thank you all!), size of data will increase 

Correct me if I'm wrong, as I am not that familiar with the way that 
integration of raw images works:

Could it be possible for a new/already existing software to store reflections 
(area, intensity from center to border, position x/y on the image, and 
information of the image) in a lightweight and text only file ? Possibly a new 
format to be used for integration ?

While those text files would be heavy, they'd be still lighter than raw images 
and the whole useless white space they carry with them between reflections.

If not possible, could we imagine to eliminate all the unused space on these ? 
Like a super raw image diet-plan for the incoming summer !

Best regards,

Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
PhD student - 2nd Year


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