What a great idea? Have you approached the depositors? Eleanor

On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 22:31, Gerard Bricogne <g...@globalphasing.com>

> Dear colleagues,
> Perusal and some initial (re-)refinement of the various SARS-CoV-2 protease
> structures in the PDB seems to indicate that that there might be potential
> to improve these if refinements could be repeated after some reprocessing
> and further analysis of the raw diffraction images, rather than against the
> deposited merged data. This statement should in no way be construed as a
> criticism of the remarkable achievements of the research groups concerned,
> who have been operating under tremendous time pressure, but as an exciting
> opportunity to push methods to their limits on a uniquely significant class
> of structures.
> Another consideration is that the various logistical problems created by
> COVID-19 may soon make it increasingly difficult to collect new diffraction
> data on potential drug targets relevant to the fight against SARS-CoV-2,
> underlining the importance of ensuring that the best results be obtained
> from every dataset actually collected, and that the most useful conclusions
> be drawn from the analysis of those datasets towards improving the quality
> of subsequent data collections.
> On this basis we would like to propose that special efforts be made to
> grant
> public access to the raw image data associated with any SARS-CoV-2 related
> structure that is deposited into the PDB. This can be done by (1) archiving
> these raw image data using resources such as data.sbgrid.org, zenodo.org,
> proteindiffraction.org or any other cloud-based data-sharing service, and
> (2) communicating the corresponding DOIs to the wwPDB centres. This idea
> could be extended to datasets that investigators would like to offer to
> interested methods developers or expert users at the pre-deposition stage.
> Experts making use of those raw data would be encouraged to document, in as
> much detail as possible, how particular programs or workflows could be used
> on those structures/datasets to obtain the best results. This would be a
> kind of "virtual workshop", a particularly valuable collective activity at
> the present time when several in-person workshops (e.g. RapiData) have been
> cancelled and many meetings are in limbo for several months.
> The latter activity would benefit from having a centralised facility set up
> for the experts to post their results and annotations: we could create such
> a facility, but other, larger groups might want to consider doing so.
> With best wishes,
> Clemens & Gerard.
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