Dear ccp4 community,

I am in my last 3 months of my PhD, working at the Structural Biology Unit
at IBMB-CSIC in Barcelona. As my experimental phasing trials using various
heavy metals failed so far, we ordered two months ago Expi 293 (Met-)
expression medium for selenomethionine labeling (see the reference: But
we got now the notice that it will not be delivered until end of April.

I had been working so hard on this project, and this medium is essential to
finished with the experimental part of my thesis. Thus, I was wondering if
someone in the community has a bottle (1L) of this expression medium
without methionine that I could borrow, and which I would return
immediately once our medium arrives.

Also in case you have recommendations or other sources of a defined Se-Met
medium for Expi293 cells, please let me know. With kind regards from
Barcelona, and hope someone can help,



Laura del Amo Maestro - Proteolysis Lab
SBU-Structural Biology Unit, IBMB CSIC
Barcelona, Spain, Europe


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