In July 2020, the wwPDB will roll out updated PDB structures and
reference data files with standardized representation of carbohydrate
molecules, improving the Findability and Interoperability of PDB data.
Detailed information about this work is available from the wwPDB website
 including PDBx/mmCIF
dictionary extensions and over 500 example files. We encourage
developers of software packages that produce, access, or visualize PDB
data to review this information and adapt their software.
Through collaboration with the glycoscience community, software tools
were developed to standardize atom nomenclature of nearly 800
monosaccharides in the Chemical Component Dictionary (CCD) and applied
branched polymeric representation to oligo- and polysaccharides within
the PDB archive, enabling easy translation to other representations
commonly used by glycobiologists. To guarantee unambiguous chemical
description of oligo-/polysaccharides in each of the nearly 12,000
affected PDB entries, we have included an explicit description of
covalent linkage information between their monomeric units. To ensure
continued Findability of common oligosaccharides (e.g., sucrose, Lewis X
factor), we have expanded the Biologically Interesting molecule
Reference Dictionary (BIRD, 
 which will contain the
covalent linkage information and common synonyms for such molecules.
wwPDB is also taking this opportunity to improve the organization of
chemical synonyms in the CCD by introducing a new
_pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms data category. This will enable more
comprehensive capture of alternative names for small molecules in the
PDB. To minimize disruption to users, there will be an initial
transition period, where the legacy data item, _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms,
will be retained.


John Berrisford
+44 1223 492529 (tel:+44%201223%20492529)
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) European Molecular Biology 
Laboratory Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SD UK 


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