Dear all
we have asked this of a few people, but the question remains:
does any of you have experienced/tried using GPU based software to treat MX 
data? for reducing or subsequent image analysis?
is it a lost battle?
how do you deal with the crescent amount of data we are facing, at Synchrotrons 
and XFELs?
Here at the Manaca beamline at Sirius we will continue to support CPU based 
software, but due to developments in the imaging beam lines, GPU machines are 
looking very attractive.
many thanks in advance for your thoughts,
all the best

Ana Carolina Zeri, PhD
Manaca Beamline Coordinator (Macromolecular Micro and Nano Crystallography)
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS)
Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM)
Zip Code 13083-970, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
(19) 3518-2498<><>

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