Dear all,
On behalf of my colleague Niklas Arnberg I'd like to share an advert for a staff scientist position in his group. They are recruiting a staff scientist to work on structure determinations of viruses and virus-receptor complexes. Some cryo-EM aspects of the projects will be done in collaboration with my group, so that e.g. an experienced X-ray crystallographer could learn EM in situ here.

Umeå University, Sweden has a thriving and collaborative infection biology community and we are also blessed with hosting the Swedish national facility for cryo-EM with e.g. a Titan Krios.

See attached pdf for details and contact in case of questions.

Best wishes,

Lars-Anders Carlson
Assistant Professor
Dept of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine
Umeå University
901 87 Umeå, Sweden


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Attachment: Senior staff scientist position in structural virology.pdf
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