dear all,

 Two 3-year postdoctoral position are available at Imperial College London to 
work on the mechanisms of eukaryotic replication or chromatin structure using 
biochemistry and cryo-EM. Deadline is 26th February 2020.

 The Speck Lab works on initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication & the 
structure of chromatin + its regulation by epigenetic changes. We are looking 
for a passionate researcher with extensive expertise in Biochemistry and/or 
Structural Biology.
Research framework and support structure:

  1.  The group consists of >10 members, 6 postdocs, 3 students, lab manager 
and technician.
  2.  The lab is fully equipped for biochemistry (2 AKTAs, multiple temperature 
controlled shakers), two freezer mills, Biacore T100 and generously supported 
by the Wellcome Trust and multiple BBSRC grants.
  3.  Access to state-of-the-art facilities including Mass Spectrometry, 
Structural Biology and Bioinformatics.
  4.  The candidate will receive direct mentoring by the group head on grant 
applications, writing of manuscripts and project design.
  5.  We have direct access to a local cryo-EM facility with a 200KV FEG 
microscope and the LonCEM facility with a Krios (K3 & Falcon 3 detectors, phase 
plate, energy filter,..).
 Interested individuals are welcome to contact me directly for more information.


here are a few links:

you can apply here:

The group:


Professor Christian Speck, PhD, FRSB
Chair in Genome Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Wellcome Trust Investigator

Imperial College London
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Clinical Sciences (CRB room 3006)
Hammersmith Hospital Campus
Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN

Tel: 0044 20 8383 3387
Mobile: 0044 796 181 5557
Skype ID: dna_rep

Imperial College website:<>



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