I’ll not mention what event, but I was recently invited to talk at one, and speaking to one of the organisers I heard that there’s actually more push-back on inviting younger speakers when there aren’t senior ones available.
This annoyed me, because the way that people get exposure (and thus more invites) is often by giving talks. We should pay more attention to who is up-and-coming in the field, and make sure they get the right opportunities, IMO Sent from my iPhone On 5 Feb 2020, at 18:09, Goldman, Adrian <adrian.gold...@helsinki.fi> wrote: Phoebe and all, What I heard recently (I have no idea whether it applies in this particular case…) is that organisers of conferences/meetings often have considerable difficulty getting women speakers in the first place - apparently 85% of the XYs asked say “yes” and only 50% (less?) of the XXs. Presumably not to GRCs, or to keynote a major international symposium - but ? Precisely for this kind of event. I was told this is because the senior women get asked more often, as there are (qv) fewer of them, and so there is meeting-attendance-burnout. Adrian On 5 Feb 2020, at 18:00, Phoebe A. Rice <pr...@uchicago.edu<mailto:pr...@uchicago.edu>> wrote: While there is some truth to that argument, the problem is that it is harder to achieve an international reputation in the first place while being routinely overlooked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phoebe A. Rice Dept. of Biochem & Mol. Biol. and Committee on Microbiology https://voices.uchicago.edu/phoebericelab/ From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>> on behalf of Andrew Leslie <and...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk<mailto:and...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>> Reply-To: Andrew Leslie <and...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk<mailto:and...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>> Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 11:56 AM To: "CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>" <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America 2020 Dear All, In fairness to the organisers, I would like to point out that there is nothing that is “lazy” about organising these workshops. It involves a considerable effort both in arranging the course, the venue and especially in attracting funds to support the workshop (it is important to note that CCP4 does not supply all the funds). In addition, it is unfair to single out this particular workshop for criticism, as I believe it has long been the case that these workshops have not had a good gender balance in terms of the tutors. It is also important to realise that the gender imbalance does NOT extend to choice of the students, where as far as I am aware the gender balance is always very good. One difficulty the organisers face is that funding will typically depend on having tutors with an international reputation in the areas in which they are teaching, ideally having been involved in developing the software that is being used. Unfortunately, this inevitably leads to gender bias. While I would agree that this is an issue that is worthy of being raised, and I feel sure that this point will be taken on board by future organisers, it is also important to realise the practical difficulties that organisers face and the considerable effort that is involved in running these workshops. Regards, Andrew Leslie On 5 Feb 2020, at 00:30, Alejandro Buschiazzo <ale...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:ale...@pasteur.edu.uy>> wrote: Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the 8th South American Macromolecular Crystallography School: Macromolecular Crystallography School 2020 "Structural Biology to enhance high impact research in health and disease” To be held at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay) - September 9-19, 2020 http://pasteur.uy/novedades/mx2020/ The application deadline is July 9, 2020. For further inquiries : mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy> Main Topics: • data processing; • phasing and structure determination; • model refinement and validation; • introduction to crystallography + cryo-electron microscopy integration Confirmed speakers and tutors (so far... a few more will join the crew): Alejandro Buschiazzo (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay) Paul Emsley (Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC, Cambridge, UK) Rafael Junqueira Borges (Instituto de Biociências UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil) Ronan Keegan (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK) Eugene Krissinel (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK) Joāo Muniz (Instituto de Fisica de São Carlos, Brazil) Garib Murshudov (Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC, Cambridge, UK) Colin Palmer (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP-EM, Didcot, UK) James Parkhurst (Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK) Randy Read (University of Cambridge, UK) Kyle Stevenson (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK) Clemens Vonrhein (Global Phasing Ltd, Cambridge, UK) Please find the application form and further contact information at http://pasteur.uy/novedades/mx2020/ (this www site will be updated regularly, so stay tuned!) This Workshop is supported by the Collaborative Computational Project Nº4 (CCP4, UK) & Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK); the Centro de Biologia Estructural del Mercosur (CeBEM); and the Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo (CYTED) through de MICROBES consortium. Organizers: Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay Kyle Stevenson, DPhil. CCP4, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom Richard Garratt, PhD. Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP, Brazil Applicants: 25 students will be selected, prioritizing advanced PhD, postdocs and young researchers. The Course will provide financial support covering registration fees, and for the case of those students coming from abroad, all local expenses (lodging, per diem and local transportation). Look in the www site for details on application procedures. The application deadline is July 9, 2020. Please address further inquiries to: mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy> Looking forward to hosting you in Montevideo! ________________________________ To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=CCP4BB&A=1 ________________________________ To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=CCP4BB&A=1 ________________________________ To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=CCP4BB&A=1 ________________________________ To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=CCP4BB&A=1 -- This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. 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