The European Synchrotron ESRF in Grenoble, France, will resume its activities this year after a complete machine upgrade, which will bring exciting new possibilities of experiments, in particular in time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography (SSX). The Structural Biology Group is currently building a beamline dedicated to SSX planned to perform time-resolved experiments with a microsecond time resolution. In order to prepare these experiments, we are developing an offline setup to perform microsecond time-resolved UV-vis absorption spectroscopy experiments on protein crystals. This time-resolved setup is part of the /in crystallo/ optical spectroscopy (/ic/OS) Lab, (formerly known as the Cryobench , ), which provides various optical spectroscopic techniques (UV-vis absorption, fluorescence, Raman) that can be applied to proteins in the crystalline or solution state, before, during, or after an X-Ray diffraction experiment. We are looking for a postdoc interested in contributing to the development of the TR-/ic/OS setup and to associated scientific projects coupling time-resolved optical spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The successful candidate should have strong expertise in at least one of the following topics: optical spectroscopy, instrumentation, X-ray crystallography.

For further information, please email Antoine Royant, responsible of the icOS Lab ( <>) or Daniele de Sanctis, responsible of the SSX beamline ID29 ( <>).

Antoine ROYANT
Institut de Biologie Structurale
71 avenue des Martyrs
CS 10090
38044 Grenoble Cedex 9
Phone +33(0)4-76-88-17-46 or +33(0)-4-57-42-85-39 or


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